


Levente Hunyadi. Article: An article from a journal or magazine. The BibTeX Journal 1(2):99–999, мая 2009. A short note.István Vajk (ed.). Book: A book with an explicit publisher. Second edition, third series, volume 1, number 2, BME Press, декабря 2009. A short note.Levente Hunyadi. Booklet: A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution. Available electronically, Budapest, октября 2009. A short note.István Vajk (ed.). InBook: A part of a book, which may be a chapter and/or a range of pages. Final version, third series, volume 1, number 2, chapter 4, pages 99–999, BME Press, декабря 2009. A short note.Levente Hunyadi. InCollection: A part of a book having its own title. In István Vajk (ed.). A book with an explicit publisher. Third series, volume 1, number 2, BME Press, декабря 2009, pages 99–999. A short note.Levente Hunyadi. InProceedings: An article in a conference proceedings. In István Vajk…




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Поиск описания

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Поиск описания

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